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The Art of Time Management in Event Planning: Saving You Time and Headaches

Posted by Sarah Threlfall

In the million-miles-an-hour world of event planning, time is precious. And when youre under-resourced and up against it, its not unusual to go from neutral gear to panic stations in a nanosecond. Thankfully, there are many ways for not only saving time, but also keeping nightmares at bay and ensuring seamless events.

Let’s explore just a few ways, from common sense strategies to tech tools, that make all the difference to your event success and your sanity.

Delegation and Outsourcing

Guilty of keeping everything close to your chest? Many of us are. But there comes a time to recognise you can’t do it all alone.

One of the most effective time-saving strategies is delegation. It can be hard to let go. But imagine freeing up valuable hours on your calendar by delegating responsibilities like:

  • Venue selection
  • Supplier coordination
  • Contract negotiation
  • Speaker tech tests and rehearsals

The view from the other side is spectacular when you learn to entrust certain tasks to capable team members. Or consider outsourcing to a reputable event management company

DO NOT be fooled by the oh its just quicker to do it myself trap! Its hard, of course, but the earlier you force yourself to spend the time training or briefing someone else, the more saving it will deliver throughout the life of the planning process.

Tech Tips

Delegate Management

In the age of event technology, event planners have access to almost too many tools and platforms for doing all sorts of weird and wonderful stuff. But, now isnt the time for going wild for too many shiny pretty things.

Instead, opt for a comprehensive event tech platform that consolidates tasks, including key areas such as:

  • Registration
  • Hotel accommodation bookings
  • Audience engagement
  • Data analysis

Bear in mind, a single platform saves you toggling between multiple applications and boosts efficiency, without sending you cross-eyed. Dont just jump at the first solution; or one that works for your old company. Really invest the time to define what you need; where are your time pinch points and focus on solving those.

Project Management

At Brightspace we also invest in project management software (Asana, in our case) which has massively reduced the amount of catch up calls as well as making us all very efficient; using clear timelines, project plans, deadlines and dependencies.

Again, taking the time at the beginning of the project to build a comprehensive timeline, with clear roles and responsibilities, can save huge amounts of wasted time further down the line and allow everything to flow seamlessly.

Spot and Prevent Burnout

Burnout is a silent enemy thats notorious for sneaking up on event planners. Thankfully, there are many positive narratives on the subject in the events industry. Its crucial to listen and learn from them, to save time and maintain the wellbeing of yourself and your team members.

That means delegating more tasks, taking short breaks, practicing self-care, and seeking external support from industry specific event welfare specialists, such as EventWell and Stress Matters.

We consciously include a ‘personal check-in’ at the end of project calls just to make sure everyone is still in their happy place.

Contingency Planning

You might not think so, but effective time management includes planning for curveballs. Whether it’s a technical glitch or unexpected weather changes for an al fresco gathering, being prepared can save you from scrambling around like headless chickens at the last minute.

This also comes into play with your timelines / project planning; make sure you build in time for changes, feedback on creative before sign off etc.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Automation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error. For these reasons, its worth identifying repetitive tasks in your event planning process and exploring automation options for jobs such as:

  • Email communications
  • Social media posting
  • Data entry

Review, ReSet, Resume

Time-saving strategies arent set in stone. Theyre fluid and can be adjusted to suit when youre regularly reviewing your event planning processes. After all, if you cant measure it, you cant improve it. So, seek feedback from your team, delegates and other stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and refine your approach to suit.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression. But, its a much less gruelling and stressful process when youre equipped to navigate event planning with confidence, ease, and time on your side.


At Brightspace Events, we understand only too well that the art of time management in event planning is a continuous journey. To this end, our portfolio of leading-edge services offers:

  • Full or buy-what-you-need event management services for stress-free project management of every event
  • Delegate registration and communications optimum use of technology
  • Exhibition stand build and design design, manufacture and installation
  • Event staffing experienced and professional staff
  • Incentive programmes improve business performance with unforgettable experiences
  • Hybrid events all the features of live and virtual events
  • AV production audio visual for live and virtual event production
  • Event safety Health and safety procedures and checks

Get in touch for expert help to not only save time, but also reduce stress, and ensure the unparalleled success of your corporate events.

Sarah Threlfall

Sarah's worked in the corporate event industry across hotels, global event agencies and now at Brightspace for over 25 years and has been lucky enough to deliver some jaw dropping delivered events from Antigua to Zambia. She now leads the agency and is heavily involved with all the projects and is wildly enthusiastic about every client and every event; relishing the challenge to get under their skin and deliver real value in their event strategy. Health and well being are central to her life so she prioritises all sorts of activity with running as her first love and most recently, joining a ladies cricket team. She's also very likely to be found on the touchline of junior football / rugby and cricket matches as well as indulging her love of live theatre. (p.s. as 2 separate hobbies; her kids would disown her if she were bursting into song / bringing out the jazz hands on the sidelines!)