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COVID-19 Information Hub
This is the place for all your COVID Secure events resources. It will be regularly updated when government guidance changes or when new legislation is published. Sign up with the form below to receive notifications of updates.

- HM Gov: COVID 19 Response Spring_2021 with our highlights
- HM Gov: Working Safely During Coronavirus
- HM Gov: The Visitor Economy (Business Events)
- HM Gov: Hotels and Other Guest Accommodation
- HM Gov: Restaurants, Pubs, Bars & Takeaways
- HM Gov: Performing Arts
- HM Gov: Heritage Locations
- HM Gov: Coronavirus Infection Levels Regional and Local
- HSE: What to Include in Your Risk Assessment
- HSE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Science and Research
- HSE: Working Safely During Coronavirus (09 08 2021)
- PACT: Guidance for the UK TV Industry (19 01 2021)
- BFC: TV & Film Production Guidelines (19 01 2021)
- UK Hospitality: COVID Secure Guidelines (23 03 21)
- APA: Vaccines & Testing (17 02 2021)
- WHO Guidance: Points of Entry & Mass Gatherings
- World Travel Tourism Council: Global Protocols & Safe Travels Stamp
- WHO: Generic COVID Risk Assessment
- HM GOV: Venues Required by Law to Record Contact Details (18 09 2020)
- IOSH: Legal Obligations Globally (05 10 2020)
- HSE: Protect Vulnerable Workers During the Coronavirus Pandemic (8 10 2020)
- IOSH: Promoting a positive culture around COVID Security
- Pfizer: Results from initial vaccine trials (9 11 2020)
- HM Gov: COVID 19 Winter Plan (23 11 2020)
- HSE: Ventilation and air conditioning during the pandemic.
- HM Gov: Roadmap Reviews: update (05 04 2021)
- HM Gov: Social Distancing Review (17 04 21)
- HSE: Keeping workplaces safe as coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are eased – sources of advice. (30 04 2021)
- Travel Gossip: Travel Restrictions for red, amber and green countries. (01 07 2021)
- HM Gov: COVID-19 Response: Summer 2021 (05 07 2021)
- HM Gov: Moving to Step 4 (13 07 2021)
- HM Gov: Face coverings: when to wear one, exemptions, and how to make your own (10 12 2021)
- HM Gov: COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection (02 12 2021)
- HSE: Ventilation during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (09 12 2021)

- HSE: General Guidance on Running Events Safely (not COVID specific)
- HM Gov: Performing Arts inc Outdoor Events
- HM Gov: Organised Events Guidance for Local Authorities (06 04 2021)
- HM Gov: The Visitor Economy inc Business Events (11 05 2021)
- EIF: Outdoor Events Guidance (15 03 2021)
- Brightspace Events: Guidance Summary Document (01 03 2021)
- EIF: Interim Guidance for Outdoor Events (15 04 2021)
- MIA: Best Practice – Operating and Building Confidence in a Risk-Averse World (03 08 2021)
- AEO: All Secure Standard 2.0 (UPDATED Aug 2021)
- BrightSpace: Mass Gatherings Summary
- UFI: Good Practice for Re-Opening Business Events
- UFI: Reopening Exhibitions & Business Events (10 07 2020)
- EMA: Back to Live Checklists (24 06 2020)
- HBAA: Additional Guidance from Government on Business Events (18 07 2020)
- AEO: Key Measures for Risk Assessments for Exhibitions
- EIF: Guidance on Music Festivals (19 10 2020)
- GOV: Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotels and other guest accommodation (11 05 2021)
- GOV: Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) Restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services (11 05 2021)
- GOV: Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) Events and Attractions (14 07 2021)

- HSE: Use of Face Masks Designated KN95
- HSE: Hand Sanitisers and Surface Disinfectants
- HSE: Air Conditioning and Ventilation
- HSE: PPE in a Non Healthcare Setting
- HSE: Disinfecting Premises
- HSE: New Guidance on First Aid. UPDATED 27 08 2020
- REHVA: Guidance on Ventilation – updated August
- Call Centre Outbreak: South Korea – New Addition
- Restaurant Outbreak: China – New Addition
- BMJ: The Science of Distancing (25 08 2020)
- RIDDOR: reporting of COVID-19 (2 11 2020)